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NCS News: Happenings Around the Southeast Regional Network - October 2022

Live Pure, Speak Truth, Right Wrong, Follow the King

Here are some of the events from the summer and early fall!

Summer with NCS VA Beach

During their summer, the brothers of NCS Virginia Beach had many exciting events. Box seats at baseball games, an apologetics evening event, and Friday morning breakfasts just to name a few. They have increased in size and are now looking for a new venue to accommodate their growing brotherhood. If you are in the Tidewater area don't hesitate to reach out!

NCS VA Beach is also the "First Landing Chapter" as they're the closest to the site of the first Christian men’s gathering in America. (Here's a bit of history.) Looks like NCS New Canaan may have some competition as the "Founding Chapter"!


Tom Cole Visits NCS Charlotte

Congratulations to NCS Charlotte for hosting a wonderful dinner, where porter house steaks were enjoyed by everyone, on the 28th of September with men from all over the SEMA region. In attendance were NCS brothers from Winston Salem NC, Florida and more. The next morning, those who were able to stay over, had the opportunity to join NCS Charlotte's regular Thursday meeting with a bonus! Leader of NCS Manhattan, and current member of the Board of Directors for New Canaan Society, Tom Cole, spoke and shared his story. At the end the men discussed how to improve intentional authentic friendships in their lives with Jesus, wives, children & others.


New Guy in Charlotte

Brother Wood Britton recently moved from Wilmington to Charlotte, NC. Wood attended the Charlotte SEMA dinner and is now looking for community in his new city. He searched out NCS in Charlotte because he knew the blessing of connecting with other men based on friendship with Jesus.NCS offers men a faith building and life changing opportunity through our relational network. Charlotte brothers don't hesitate to reach out!


Mark McVey Outreach

NCS partnered with Stu and Nancy Epperson to host actor Mark McVey who played Jean Valjean in the hit Broadway production Les Misérables. Mark performed and shared his story of faith both at a dinner for one hundred guests and the next morning for the men of NCS Winston Salem. Everyone was inspired by Mark's journey through the life of Jean Valjean, shared in both song and testimony, and how it reflected his own personal journey. Perhaps your chapter would like to consider something similar. If so let us know, we would be happy to connect you with Mark!


Thank You to James Anderson

A special thank you to James for a dedicated 7 years of hard work towards New Canaan Society. We pray for God to bless this next season of his life and for guidance as we transition to a new director.


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