Snow Birds Fly North
A testimonial from Matt Evans of NCS Naples.
We started NCS Naples fifteen years ago as a winter fellowship. As we grew and developed a critical mass of year ‘rounders, we started meeting weekly throughout the year, taking August off. We drop about 50% when the snowbirds leave. This has turned out much better than we thought. The year ‘rounders have developed stronger bonds by identifying who doesn’t leave and by doing more together in the off season. We love the increased numbers when snowbirds come and the fresh energy and anticipation they bring; however, so many snowbirds have returned winter after winter that we consider them regulars, not transients. One huge benefit of having snowbirds is that a number of them have planted new chapters up north after returning from Naples! The net effect is all positive. The migration has grown the NCS movement in breadth and the year ‘rounders have grown in depth by their permanency.
NCS Winston Salem's Family Day Over 120 guests attended Family Day on Saturday, May 22nd. Everyone had an amazing time. The major elements included morning cycling (15miles), morning hike (approx 3-4 miles), devotion and worship, catered barbecue from Aunt Bea's with desserts brought by guests, micro-brews by Threshing Floor Brewing (one of NCS Winston Salem's own guys, Courtney Mauzy), blue grass band during lunch, hay ride, bounce house, fishing, corn hole tournament and various lawn games available. Stu & Nancy Epperson graciously allowed NCS WS to utilize their property in Ararat, VA for the event at no charge. All the audio needs were donated by Mr. Bill's productions as well as several other volunteers who led pieces of the event. The guests could not say enough about every aspect of the day. "Great event this past weekend!!!" -Guy Morgan "...excellent planning in making Family Day a smashing success for everyone today. What a blessing!" -Jay Helvey "It was definitely the most fun party we have ever ever had at Ararat!" -Nancy Epperson

From Der Dutchman to Skillets - NCS Sarasota Keeps Showing Up!
Bob Oram, Norbert Truderung and Dave Enslow (sadly recently deceased) met with two local leaders as well as NCS board member Hal Rosser to host the first NCS Sarasota meeting on July 10, 2014 at Bob’s Boathouse. Shortly after they started meeting at Bob’s Boathouse, it went bankrupt. Their next meeting place also shut down, leading them to Der Dutchman in the heart of the Amish/Mennonite community in Sarasota. As the group grew, in addition to their discussions around Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost," NCS Sarasota started inviting local Christian non-profit leaders as guest speakers to share their testimonies. When Covid hit, Sarasota decided to turn to Zoom for their weekly meetings, and continued that until resuming in person on April 1st at Skillets Restaurant. They continue to pray for God’s guidance as they provide a place for men to fellowship in Sarasota.