NCS DC Weekend Retreat
This past weekend, May 12-14th, the NCS Washington DC chapter spent time at the Jeremiah 29:11 Farms with a very diverse group of men from the DMV area and beyond. They escaped from the "chaos of life" for a weekend and got to know men who didn't look like them, and who came from very different walks of life. The goal was to promote unity among God's men, seek God's purpose for us individually, and to break down the barriers that tend to keep us separated. The Lord set the stage for a weekend of connectivity, freedom, openness, and fun. There were about 80 guys in attendance of all ages, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds. Their focus was simple - to seek after God's heart and understand what being men of Christ is about. They heard some powerful testimonies of healing and freedom that God delivered men through. Guys left the weekend feeling known, encouraged, filled with the Holy Spirit (who was tangible in the air), having laughed harder than they had in a while, and with a bunch of new friends. The next gathering is August 6-8th at Jeremiah 29:11 Farms again!
If You Love NCS, You'll Love Alpha What is my purpose? What happens when we die? Why is there suffering? My wife Susan and I (Chris Slone) get to explore such questions on Zoom every week along with about a dozen participants from around the world. Some are believers, some are skeptics. Some have strong faith, some have strong doubts. We socialize, watch a film, and then sit around and chat about faith, life, and God. In a nutshell, Alpha is an 11-week course which invites the curious to consider Jesus and explore the basic beliefs of Christianity in a relaxed environment. Susan and I can't believe we're already in week five of our first Alpha course. We plan to do it again—and invite some of our non-believing family and friends to join. Check out Alpha online. The next course starts September 22nd. If you've not done it yet, DO!

Palm Beach joining the Brudderhood!
NCS is pleased to introduce one of its newest chapters in Palm Beach, FL. The Palm Beach Men’s Group has been a thriving men’s study group for over 25 years hosting both local and national speakers including Chuck Colson, Gregg Brennemen, Reinhard Bonnke, and Luis Palau. Over the past 10 years, PBMG has sent many of its members to the NCS National Retreats. In 2020, after reviewing the synergies between these two strong men’s ministries, the Men’s Group leadership chose to formally become an NCS Chapter. Today, PBMG hosts weekly Wednesday morning meetings at 7:30am EST that are attended by 40-60 men in both an in-person and Zoom hybrid format (see picture). The PBMG Chapter welcomes all our national NCS brothers to attend either in person or via Zoom. Please reach out to Jeff Calenberg (jeffcalenberg@gmail.com), Rene Paez (rene@highimpactlegacy.com) or Mark Bode (markwilliambode@gmail.com) to get the details.
NCS Paterson Opens Doors The NCS Paterson Chapter consists of a diverse group of brothers who embrace the unconditional love of God displayed through the gift of His Son Jesus Christ. They are learning more and more how deep, high, wide and long the Father’s love is for us and they desire to love Him and love each other. They believe we are called by God to speak truth, right wrongs, live pure and follow Jesus who is our commander and chief. In a broken and divided world, NCS Paterson has embarked on a journey of True Reconciliation invited by Jesus to join in the ministry of reconciliation which translates into love, forgiveness, confession, repentance and inclusion. NCS Paterson's chapter fellowship time is Tuesday mornings at 7 EST and they gather for Prayer at Noon every Monday.
We are lamenting our loss of brother Dave Zuidema who is now face to face with Jesus. Please keep his family and friends in prayer.