Last Friday at River Birch Lodge we celebrated the birth of Jesus with our 8th NCS Love Feast. What a privilege it is to draw upon the spiritual legacy of our city by sharing a simple meal, drinking a mug of coffee, singing Christmas carols, and lighting a candle of hope.
Last year the COVID-19 pandemic kept us from gathering, so this year’s Love Feast was particularly special. It was a beautiful reminder of how the Holy Spirit has used our NCS chapter to connect men in authentic relationships based on the friendship and Lordship of Jesus.
We often say, “Just show up and be blessed.” We are blessed and better equipped to navigate the challenges of life through the relational connections with one another based on a shared desire to build friendships which center on Jesus.
NCS gatherings provide faith-based relational intentionality in three ways:
We hear and see the good news of what Jesus has done for every man. The Gospel is shared explicitly or implicitly regularly, so it is hard to miss it if you keep coming.
Our gatherings provide an opportunity for our personal stories of changed hearts and lives to point others to Jesus and to remind us of what the Holy Spirit has done in our lives.
The nurturing and encouragement of our faith positions us to take risks for Jesus. Mission trips, adoptions, and serving others are some of the dividends flowing from obedience to our individual callings.
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, it is a timely reminder that God’s plan of redemption, our rescue, included a Savior who relates to us in every way. He is relational serving a relational Father.
Thank you to everyone for serving one another, our families, and our community for almost 17 years by simply showing up and trusting Jesus, sharing your story, and taking risks in His name.
Merry Christmas!