Last newsletter, I wrote about my thoughts on the word “flourish” and how it ties into the relational network we are building here at NCS. I see examples of how God is helping our relationships to flourish each time I attend an NCS gathering.
Now, I’d like to address wealth….but not the wealth many of us think of when we hear the word.
I believe that true wealth is relational. Through our networks and gatherings, we are each able to develop “relational capital” based upon a shared relationship with Jesus. I believe this true wealth has eternal value in His Kingdom.
NCS is a relational network spanning both our country and the world. If you’ve been reading our quarterly newsletter, you’ve already seen some of the amazing acts of service, fellowship and brotherhood that grow stronger every day. NCS is truly a “Kingdom asset” worthy of proper curation and stewardship.
The role of NCS national is to focus on how best to manage, grow and leverage this “shared relational asset” – now comprised of multiple NCS chapters across the country and potentially around the world. I’m excited to share that I now get to help shape the growth of our relational asset as the Managing Partner of NCS nationally. It’s an honor and privilege to partner with the Holy Spirit in this role. More to come on my specific duties….
But joining NCS national in this new role got me thinking about why a geographically dispersed relational asset is of value.
First, it is God-honoring. I also believe it helps us to find purpose, finish strong, and strengthen our faith and relationship with Jesus. We see the front line of relational growth in the chapter meetings taking place across over 46 cities in the U.S. each month. That is how it should be, with hearts transformed in the process. And a transformed heart will always search for ways to be “appointed to His service” (1 Timothy 1:12). It enables better hearing of His call and plans for our lives for which we were made: purpose, standing and identity!
We have the opportunity to invite, challenge, and encourage men to receive an appointment in the “Cabinet of Jesus’ Kingdom.” Stu Epperson, Sr. and I are taking a trip next week to play a role in growing this relational asset in London. We’re going to encourage men to consider joining this Kingdom relational network. But new relationships are also forming closer to home. We recently had a visitor to Winston-Salem who expressed interest in starting a chapter in Greenville, SC.
As you know by seeing chapters grow in our area, it begins with just showing up, listening and observing what God is doing in the lives of our speakers and among us. However, it can lead to a “call on our lives” to serve our King. This call goes beyond doing good things, which is fine, though usually not sustainable. It’s really an invitation to purpose and impact that is powered by the Holy Spirit.
My prayer is that you will unite with us in obedience to His call on our lives - so that we can impact our families, communities and cities around the world. We can change lives with your commitment.
In this growing global relational asset, His calls inevitably come in partnership. Jesus sends us out at least two-by-two. Through this partnership, we get the opportunity to visit others who are exploring the same challenges and opportunities. First church experiences abound! No matter what your daily calendar suggests your tasks are each day, join us for an intentional infusion of purpose into our lives…and you will generate true wealth!