Dear NCS Brudders,
When was the last time you examined our NCS Vision statement? In case it’s been a while, here’s a refresher:
To inspire a global connected network of men who are committed to friendship with Jesus and with each other
What jumps out at me is that word ‘connected’. I’ve been thinking about how we are connected to each other, and what keeps coming back to me is that we are connected in community.
We have been blessed not only by our weekly gatherings and relationships in Winston-Salem and Davie County but also by an “inherited” national and international relational network gifted to us by God through NCS.
In many ways, the NCS relational network is a precious asset. But unlike traditional assets, it’s not one that we personally own.
God allows us to use this asset for the purposes of knowing Him better, strengthening our faith, encouraging others and answering the call to serve. We primarily tap into these relationships locally, but, just as in the early days of the church, we can travel to other chapters and be welcomed as a brother.
The NCS network has been established with the goal of a “common experience,” – namely, men connecting in community based on a relationship with Jesus. We connect in order to go deeper with each other and walk further past the “doorway of our faith”, as Oswald Chambers describes it. We connect through authentic friendships rooted in a personal experience with Jesus. Our network provides the opportunity to live out our faith, pray, search the scriptures and ultimately hear God’s call on our lives. Together, with our “wingmen”, we act on this call – and the impact on us, our families and our communities can be transformational at a time when it is needed.
I encourage all of you to take advantage of this common experience.
Over the next 12 months, become a Kingdom entrepreneur and visit a chapter or join on one of our ministry trips to Europe, the Middle East, Africa or Central America to begin your due-diligence for moving past “the safe harbor” or “doorway” in your relationship with Jesus!
New Canaan Society National Conference
Mark your calendars for March 1 – 3, 2019 for our next conference to be held at the Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate in Orlando, Florida. This will be a great time to invest in your relational network, as noted above. We believe that Dr. Love (aka Phil Ziesemer) may be organizing a golf tournament on the Thursday afternoon or Friday morning before the conference…. so this will be a great opportunity to avenge our chapter’s loss to Orlando and West Chicago. Please join us! Scholarships are available if needed.
NCS Vinebranch Missions Update
I just returned from a wonderful trip to Ireland, Italy and Lebanon with some of our NCS brothers. The purpose of this trip was to open new relationships in the Kingdom and to encourage existing ministry partners. I believe we succeeded in this goal.
Our initial stop in Dublin was to attend a “Success in Business” luncheon, hosted by Stu and Nancy Epperson, to encourage believers in the market place. We met with about 10 men afterwards about launching a NCS chapter in Dublin.
In Italy, we connected with our friend and recent NCS speaker, Barnaba Ruggieri. Barnaba, Sang Kim (former speaker at the Lodge based in LA), Kalim and I met with the Deputy Mayor of Florence to discuss the City of Values Initiative. In Rome, we participated in a prayer walk of Rome and the Vatican City and hosted an Italian Senator for lunch.
Finally, we arrived in Beirut where Kalim received a warm greeting from the General Security officials who relieved him of his passports (fortunately all ended well as you know by now)! We met with several of our ministry partners in Lebanon where the work continues to flourish. In addition, Barnaba, Nabil Costa (another NCS speaker) and I met with the Governor of Beirut to update him on the City of Values Initiative.
Citywide Prayer Breakfast
At the 5th annual breakfast, Cynthia Garrett shared her amazing story of faith in action. What a rich partnership we have with the YMCA and Love Out Loud in calling our city to prayer in the belief that a city which prays, serves and breaks bread together is a city that flourishes! Thank you to everyone who sponsored tables and attended the event.
Be encouraged and be intentional about showing up…. and staying connected in community.