Dear NCS Brudders –
As I mentioned in my note in our last newsletter, I continue to be impressed at what is occurring among us. The more we show up at our weekly meetings and connect with one another focusing on Jesus, the more we are going out on mission - both home and abroad.
At our Friday morning meetings, the speakers in the new year have included Tony Atala, Nick Dotti, Chris Slone, and Phil Flores. Each of them are modeling a faithful presence and servant leadership.

We never set out to neglect the importance of being a community of men; rather, we desire to offer a place for believers and seekers to gather and foster authentic friendships with one another - relationships that hopefully go deeper over time.
However, as we enter our 13th year of gathering, I do want us to be more intentional about communicating, connecting and encouraging one another to be servant leaders in our spheres of influence, both home and abroad.
Ours is a Kingdom Partnership. It is a partnership that allows us to serve with the credentials we have been given by faith in Jesus through the Gospel. It is a partnership that brings purpose into our lives, which can often be cluttered with the busyness of tasks.
We have recently launched a new website to communicate the missional living that is taking place among us and our partners more effectively. I encourage you to see what’s new, and if you missed our last newsletter, you’ll find the articles from it under “Blog”. And “Local” will take you to information on our chapters here at home as well as local ministry to which we are connected.
We have been blessed with a relationally-rich network in Winston-Salem, across the U.S. and overseas. Our hope is that the new website can provide a better understanding about our Kingdom Partners, mission opportunities, breaking bread, and other purpose-driven events as they occur.
Our experience has been that serving, encouraging, traveling and interceding, coupled with pursuing Jesus in scripture and connecting in energy groups, all work toward strengthening our faith, deepening our relationship with Jesus, going deeper with one another, and discipling those younger in both faith and age.
I hope that you will take some time to navigate the NCS Vinebranch website. We will continue to enhance it with time and feedback. By the way, if you go on the “Abroad” tab, use the password NCS123 to access the page.
Be encouraged and be expectant,